Checking site accessibility using Powershell

There’s a need to determine certain web site accessibility from a Windows desktop sitting behind a firewall. “Telnet” is the first tool to consider but we want to automate the process as the test would be conducted across a number of PC but scripting around the Telnet command is not pleasant to say the least.

1 min read

WSL2 cannot connect to the internet through LTE

Bringing back my Surface Pro X back to the office and want to hack something out through WSL2. Given it is my own machine and I cannot connect to the office Wi-Fi which I intend on my LTE for internet connectivity.

~1 min read

Monitor NodeJS app with New Relic

I would like to add observability to the demo app Let’s Chat. It is written in NodeJS and I am following this page to add the agent needed.

  • Modify package.json and add "newrelic": "latest", according to the alphabatical orders.
  • Modify app.js and add require('newrelic'); at the beginning of the file. In my case, I put it in front of the line require('colors');
~1 min read

K3S Experiment

Edge cluster is a topic I would like to explore. I am leveraging some free services I found to conduct my experiment.

~1 min read

Using X410 with WSL2

Getting X11 apps to work in WSL would require a XServer in Windows and X410 is what I am using.

~1 min read

DNS resolving issue in WSL2

My WSL instances failed to apt update and stuck at “0% [working]”. Try to do a wget to the repo and realize the domain name failed to resolve.

~1 min read