by Paperdrip
~1 min read


Writing a test to randomly click on any link on my webpage and all entries are wrapped within a particular CSS class named ‘button white’.

There are many ways to select element in WebDriver and I have tried both XPath and CSS Selector..


I am using the code below in getting an array of elements with this particular class name. Notice of the use of “$$” which means retrieving all elements with this class name. If I only use $, it will only return the first one in the array.

const elem = $$('//a[@class="button white"]')

CSS Selector

Similarly, I can use CSS Selector in getting the same array, the code is as follows,

const elem = $$('a.button.white')

No matter which approach to use, I can then get the “href” from a particular index through


Next, I would just determine the size of the array with elem.length and pick a random integer within the range.