I want to use webdriver in my WSL2 environment and there are several challenges.

First, need to install Chromium Browser for ARM64. Secondly, I want to use headless browser so some changes are needed. Below are steps taken,

  • Install NVM through a curl + bash execution
  • Install NPM using NVM
  • Cannot install Chromium through Snap and I am adding a PPA for DEB installation
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xalt7x/chromium-deb-vaapi

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin-xalt7x-chromium-deb-vaapi
Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-xalt7x-chromium-deb-vaapi
Pin-Priority: 1337
  • Install Chromium through apt get install chromium-browser which has a version for ARM64
  • Install build essential so that I can create the needed node modules apt install build-essential
  • Make sure package.json is using the same chromedriver version as the chromium browser
  • Need to start chromedriver manually at the background, somehow wdio cannot put this up
  • Add the args in wdio.conf.js including headless mode