by Paperdrip
~1 min read


Looking for a solution similar to katacoda, which we can learn interactively. Came across this project which provides a ‘docker-in-docker’ enviornment to try things out. Follow through the document and bring up the application but I cannot access it in the browser using anything but ‘localhost’. From the log, I have noticed the following lines,

pwd        | 2021/08/20 06:18:50 Error retrieving playground f0cb7ed8-ee3b-59f2-843b-841fcb100825. Got: NotFound
pwd        | 2021/08/20 06:18:50 Playground for domain was not found!
pwd        | [negroni] Started GET /
pwd        | [negroni] Completed 404 Not Found in 220.176µs

Found a hint from the issue log. I need to modify the file config/config.go, replace the value ‘localhost’ with the hostname I want to expose the site to.

flag.StringVar(&PlaygroundDomain, "playground-domain", "localhost", "Domain to use for the playground")

Then I docker-compose down --rmi all and docker-compose up which have all things working now.

Reference Site :